
Lauren - 2006-07-31 15:17:02
Ooh, I hate airbrushing with a deep, firey passion. In any form. Also, those "power of pride" bumper stickers (along with the magnetic ribbons) really bug me, too. So, I feel your pain!
amy corinne - 2006-07-31 15:43:07
Vanity plates annoy me so much! I should also admit to being most annoyed by the ones I can't figure out. I would've made a horrible Bumper Stumpers contestant.
skibigsky - 2006-08-01 13:35:40
I don't know why camelbaks aren't 'cool' with the roadie crew. But until I get the water bottle thing figured out, I'm going to live with the scorn and indignation of 'superior' riders and ride with it. At least I'll be able to drink without having to stop! As for the bike, I was definitely looking used (a brand-new of what I really want would set me back $3500!), but I've totally lucked out. The husband's bike is a compact frame (sloping center tube), so the LBS guys are positive that they can fit it to me. So, I've got a snazzy bike with great components, for the mere $100 fitting charge. Of course, I won't get it for 3 weeks - when Mr. V. gets his new bike - but hey, it's not $1800!!!! I am so psyched! (Maybe I'll even learn how to get the water bottle in and out of the cage now! Heh.)
Noah - 2006-08-02 10:02:00
My all time "favorite" vanity plate was the one on the Hummer that said GLBLWMR.
Ree - 2006-08-06 15:25:45
UGH. I hate personalized license plates. I mostly just resent anyone taking that much time to do something so inconsequential and self-absorbed. Oh, wait a minute...some might say the same about my blogging. Nah, surely not. The worst license plate I saw was CR8TV. The guy wasn't "CR8TV" enough to leave off the T, which was redundant.

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