
luxolive - 2004-03-19 15:18:01
Ah, The Darkness. While I was in Bath, there was this wee Hot Topic style store tucked in to the cute historic Britishness of it all, and there was this wee, very proper old English lady looking in the window at the Mary Janes with cat faces on them and whatnot. This song was playing on the sound system and was trickling outside the shop. Then, in what was (and still is) one of the sweetest moments of my life, the wee old tweedy lady with the proper bag and hat started bobbing up and down dancing. Eeee! Loved it. I kept looking back and she was still dancing when I finally turned a corner.
Pandionna - 2004-03-19 15:20:20
Holy cow! I was just wondering the other day what was happening with you and mountain-biking. You're one of my two favorite athletes on d-land (skibigsky being the other) and I'm looking forward to hearing about this season.
Emiloo - 2004-03-19 15:23:47
Re: The Darkness CD--allow me to recommend track #2, "Get Your Hands Off of My Woman (Motherfucker)." Good times will be had by all.
Skibigsky - 2004-03-19 15:44:57
I completely understand that feeling of your body liquefying as you stand in the start! I've got a big race next week, and it is the same deal. Of course, 10 minutes after my start it will be all over. (Well, that's not true - I'll be on the chairlift riding up for another knee melting experience!) Good luck, and go for it - I have a friend who takes great pride in finishing DFL (as he calls it) - Dead Fucking Last. He figures that way he's at least consistent! Oh, and good luck with the job application!
Skibigsky - 2004-03-19 18:38:22
"PS I will be away from my computer for the rest of the night" Heehee! *smartass! :-D
Casey - 2004-03-19 20:13:36
Yay! I am at home -- alone -- right now, waiting for Wonderfalls to come on since I'm still without a TiVo. I love being a slave to the TV!
Vik - 2004-03-20 23:57:53
Don't jinx it! I liked that pilot for Wonderfalls. I hope it lasts, it was quirky. WonderFans, UNITE!
palinode - 2004-03-24 18:30:42
I throw my most expensive hat in the ring for Wonderfalls. I've just seen the second episode and it's shaping up to give a snarky ass-kicking to Joan of Arcadia. It will definitely get cancelled.

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