
Fucking squirrels - 2006-07-13 15:41:21
Why did you wreck our nest, we spent a lot of time packing that nest. I hope you will reconsider. Thanks, Fucking squirrels
Mom - 2006-07-13 15:58:06
Oh, I have 25 chairs for you! They don't have legs but you can come get them. You'll just have to lift off the 1,000 lb weights that are laying on them but they're priceless heirlooms from your great-great-ever-so-great grandmother! The legs just need a little glue.
Amblus - 2006-07-13 16:04:49
You are ruthless.
Emiloo - 2006-07-13 16:19:49
Hey, I didn't know we had the same mother! Except my mother keeps all of her 25 worthless chairs IN MY BASEMENT. Okay then. I need to see your camp pictures, whore!
Marianne - 2006-07-13 18:43:44
I care! So much. I've been waiting anxiously to see your pictures. I'm wondering if I look like a prepubescent boy in all of them. Also, then only new piece of furniture I own is my bed, if that makes you feel any better.
rs536-2000 - 2006-07-13 22:18:08
And worser people than you would have clubbed her over the head and waited for her to die. Nice photo! More, please.
skibigsky - 2006-07-13 23:27:34
I figured that since you hadn't said anything, you were either boycotting the Tour de France, or you were reveling in the chaos (okay, I KNEW you're just seething). But. So. What do you think?!? Personally, I think Team Discovery (or whatever they are called) is Team Without Lance We Are Nothing. But it doesn't really matter since the Big Kids are out. Really. I want a Tour entry. I'm dying to get your thoughts...
lauren - 2006-07-14 11:39:21
I care. I have actually had the other side of my nose pierced so I can always wear my Dang! button.
Emiloo - 2006-07-17 15:32:09
Adrien, you PROMISED.

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