
skibigsky - 2006-06-14 16:19:00
I couldn't quite make out the price on the car - but it seriously looked like it only contained 2 digits.... Please tell me I'm wrong!
Adrien - 2006-06-14 16:32:43
$10 and it's yours! Just kidding - we're asking a whooping $575.
Noah - 2006-06-14 17:50:19
"Sadness-Scented Lysol" made me laugh out loud (I can't say LOL as it makes me think of a head lolling to the side, while drool runs out of the mouth and on to the carpet, but hey that's just me.)
Claudia - 2006-06-15 09:02:10
I am anti-LOL as well. I can't tell you (from embarassment due to old age) how long it took me before I realized what that stood for. I used to think it meant "lots of luck" or something like that. Also sounds like they took all the "fun" (as in "funeral") out of the retreats. They used to only be soul-sucking for 3/4 of the time, not the entire time. BUT - be glad they're not OVERNIGHT anymore. Now THAT sucked.
palinode - 2006-06-18 18:22:42
I had a coworker who used LOL in this aggravating passive-aggressive way. If he didn't like one of my decisions he'd write 'You're killing me here lol'. It made me want to empty a bottle of anger-scented lysol in his eyes. Instead I would just send emails to the CEO saying 'Can we fire this guy? Can we? Please?' A week after I quit they fired the guy. L. O. L.
blondi - 2006-06-19 02:19:14
A week after I gave notice at my last job the bitchy co-worker quit gave hers. Okay, the job made me want to stab my eyes out and was full of other bitchy co-workers and weird milk-level monitors( But the one that gave notice the week after I did was the worst. Oh, I was coming to comment about the evils of searching for information about people online. For example, you should never search for the online dating ad of the guy you met in real life who "lost" your phone number as that will be the one online dating ad in the history on online dating ads that you can't find anything wrong with. I also hate the LOL. I have recieved LOL's when the funny is only deserve of quiet inside amusement.
Adrien - 2006-06-20 08:39:05
Um, you guys do know I'm being facetious when I say I LOLed, right?
Lauren - 2006-06-20 10:40:26
Adrien, I have been LURKING in your BLOG and I am here to tell you that I will be a frequent comment-writer if you will be a more frequent blog-writer. I love your writing. Love. P.S. TEN DAYS.
Claudia - 2006-06-20 12:19:54
We know you're being facetious about everything. That's why we love you so!

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