
Claudia - 2005-11-23 11:53:15
Don't worry - they'll be pie. In fact, two kinds: pumpkin and cherry. Feliz Navidad THAT! See you tomorrow.
Duh - 2005-11-23 11:54:18
I meant to write THERE'LL be pie.
Noah - 2005-11-23 11:58:41
I'll teach ya the secrets of the parking lot of doom if ya ever need help in the future. About half my paycheck goes there, so I'm used to it. Happy T-day!
They - 2005-11-23 13:33:47
I aint no pie!
Ukrops Veggie Man - 2005-11-25 13:49:37
Sorry, there was a green bean shortage and we went into Def Con level 4 alert mode but unfortunately could not secure enough for the demand. Just between me and you those visible in the store were really wilted celery stalks pawned off as old beans. Shhhh! I'm sure Aunt Deb didn't know the difference after her 4th glass of Chardonnay! Happy Holidays -Your Local Ukrops Veggie Man :)
Magpie - 2005-11-28 22:02:24
I'm kind of surprised Berkeley hasn't banned Thanksgiving, or at least relabeled it a la Indigenous Peoples' Day. I can confirm that at at least one celebration in America's most lefty city, everyone at the table was all, "oppressed people who? Pass me some PIE." Mmmmm, PIE.

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