
Noah - 2005-07-27 09:42:29
Dag yo, you're crazy biking in this weather! Someone told me babies weren't even supposed to breathe the air outside yesterday, I don't know what that means, but it sounds bad dude.
claudia - 2005-07-27 10:20:08
Shoulda collected the June bugs and strung 'em up and made Official Hanover Tomato Festival necklaces out of them.
June Bug - 2005-07-27 10:21:58
Now, I resent that statement! We deserve to exist just as much as any other member of the insect world. And, for your information, prefer to be called by our proper Latin name: Cotinis nitida L. So there!
Adrien's Hair - 2005-07-27 11:04:44
Bug Bitch, you best be staying outta me!
Cotinis nitida - 2005-07-27 12:10:13
Honey, I'm wired to fly in nonsensical dips and loop-de-loops and cannot control my actions. I'm an insect. But, if you kill me, expect retribution! Junie
Titanus giganteus - 2005-07-27 13:51:48
Cotinis nitida, you ain't nothin' but a snack to me. Mess with the bull and you'll get the horns, is all I'm sayin'.
blondi - 2005-07-27 20:41:22
How did I not know it was Confederate History Month? I am surrounded my battlefields. Not that I am complaining.
Cotinis - 2005-07-28 09:11:12
Titanus, you don't scare me! You're not even from around here! I dare you to step foot in Virginia - just try it buddy and I'll have my good friend Chalcosoma atlas beat your exoskeletal ass!!!
Hellgrammite - 2005-07-28 10:51:33
Hark at me, biatch. I'm scary as shit and I hail from ole' Virginny!
Cotinis - 2005-07-28 12:15:33
Oh silly Dobson, I do not quake in your midst. Thou art harmless to me!
Adrien - 2005-07-28 12:49:08
Claudia, we are such dorks.
Chalcosoma atlas - 2005-07-28 12:50:05
Hey, leave me out of this!
claudia - 2005-07-29 08:50:33
Yeah, it's fun to be a dork. I have so little else!!

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