
Gem-chan - 2005-02-04 17:09:51
How about smashingly keen things you'll covet? Too long?
Magpie - 2005-02-04 17:20:37
I like Covet. Also, is available and you *are* going to put your shiny things on the web, no? Mmmm... shiny.
Beth - 2005-02-04 19:00:50
I like Smashing. And Covet. And Keen. I? Am no help. Sorry.
Jessica - 2005-02-04 23:14:36
If it makes you feel any better (but probably won't; in fact, it made me feel worse), some brands are now making jeans in size 00. Yup, you read right: double zero. As in, even less than nothing. Just about makes me sick to think about it.
Molly - 2005-02-05 00:57:11
Covet has a cool sound, actually. I agree with Magpie (haha that's what we call our cat) - a website would be the way to go. And finally, your jewelry IS amazing. I wore your earrings the other day and ohh I love them <3 But I move that relatives still get stuff for free on special occasions. Yes?
claudia - 2005-02-05 15:29:37
Dude, I wear a size zero, too! Only, there's a 1 in front of it. Same thing, right? I like Covet best of the three. hey, you know when you asked what you can bring to dinner tonight? How 'bout a lottery ticket?
Lauren - 2005-02-06 09:22:44
I like Covet the best of all three, but the others are good too.
.r - 2005-02-08 18:01:40
Covet, girl. Can 4.5 blog commenters possibly be wrong?
Adrien - 2005-02-09 09:39:55
Yeah, uh, we went with KEEN. Sorry.
Molly - 2005-02-10 00:58:35
Ahhh, well Keen works. Are you going to make a website? I have a diaryland now, by the by. With one entire entry. So far? I'm absolutely boring. I just thought I'd let you know.

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