
Beth - 2004-12-09 14:32:14
I thought I was the only one who ever got stuck thinking about that and couldn't get it out of my head.
Adrien - 2004-12-09 14:32:59
It's fun in a sick way, isn't it?
claudia - 2004-12-09 14:59:05
Dude, I have already warned you to stop thinking my thoughts -- I was musing on this just yesterday (who would come to my funeral acting all like they were my best friend; who would not come?) when my car kept dying and I was envisioning myself stuck on the side of the dark dark rural road, Red in tow, waiting for help. And help turned out to be a vampire. In which case, I guess technically I'd live forever.
claudia - 2004-12-09 16:12:17
Yes, I will be fulfilling some of your holiday wishes -- some, though, might have to wait until your birthday. You can get free pony love whenever you want to come out. Just don't stand behind them.
Molly - 2004-12-09 19:41:41
I'm always thinking the same things... tonight right before I dashed across the street I wondered (for the millionth time) if I'd be hit by a car and die in the cold wet streets. Hmm. And I do want to be cremated as well, so in case anything DOES happen, now you know <3
skibigsky - 2004-12-09 20:09:05
"Control group will be a cabbage" I have GOT to use that in my next research proposal. I don't know how I'll sneak it in, but by the gods, this will show up in a draft of my next proposal. (I'll keep you posted!)
Noah - 2004-12-10 09:45:56
And you don't want a black kitchen?!?
claudia - 2004-12-10 10:09:15
Orange is the new black.
rebecca - 2004-12-10 18:47:19
We are very obviously related. I think about these things a lot. I still want to help you paint your kitchen, by the way!
Molly - 2004-12-13 15:02:33
Random - have you watched Project Runway on Bravo yet? I'm pretty much addicted to it (which is a big deal seeing as I can't handle much reality TV). It seems like a show you'd like.
palinode - 2004-12-14 14:47:40
I spend a whole lotta time on aircraft, so my brain is constantly pushing around the possibility of my early death. Here's hoping that it'll be quick - not so quick that you won't be conscious of what's happening and given just enough time to come to terms with your imminent snuffing - and painless. Maybe someone will pass me a note saying "Time's up," which will give me just enough time to call my wife or something. And then my head will drop off.

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