
Karen - 2004-09-14 13:33:09
Do you know that initially Molly's character ended up with Ducky and that Molly Ringwald actually talked John Hughes into changing the script so that she ends up with that pussy Blaine???!!! Such a travesty. Great entry though! :)
Lauren - 2004-09-14 13:52:19
OH! My eyes! The total CUTENESS of Catster (your cats in particular).. I just love it. :) But, I'm just that dorky. Thanks for sharing, those kids of yours are just too cute! And? Total badass, yo. Congrats on 5th!
schmutzie - 2004-09-14 14:00:42
I totally had a crush on Duckie when I was a kid, and I have to admit that I still kind of do now. If Molly Ringwald was stupid enough to pick Blaine, then I've lost all the pity I once had for her poor, misunderstood character.
palinode - 2004-09-14 21:31:37
Hey, while we're talking about leading John Hughes men, how about MacAuley Culkin's butter-smooth rendition of Kevin, the burglar-thwarting kid? One look at that face and you just know you're looking at a future hunka burnin' love has-been.
Magpie - 2004-09-14 23:54:05
Duckie reminds me of the boys in high school who were seriously closeted. Poor Duckie.

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