
claudia - 2004-07-26 15:26:04
Damn. I had no idea you were such a geek. I have no idea what a HoloDeck is. I won't even read King's the Dark Tower series because it's an alternative universe (it is, right?) and I love me some Stephen King. Damn, girl. I think I still have some story credit at Stories, though. Might have to check that out.
palinode - 2004-07-26 18:19:33
The geekiest thing I ever saw was some poor guy in requisite trenchcoat and acne trying to explain to another scragglebeard how he'd wrung some triumph out of a live action role play situation. Geek 2 holds up his hand just as Geek 1 is cutting into the meat (the mysterious, vampiric meat) of the story and says "Wait. Tell me in character".
Noah - 2004-07-26 22:01:02
Geek's rule.
Pandionna - 2004-07-27 08:57:10
I always thought that if I were gay, I'd get with Tasha Yar, myself.
Beagle a.k.a. Molly - 2004-07-27 09:39:09
You must go rent Uber Goober now. I think we're all geeks in our own way, but some people are just on a wayyyyyyy different level of Geekdom.
Fran - 2004-07-27 15:45:29
*Used* to read Wil Wheaton's blog? What made you stop?
Gem-chan - 2004-07-27 17:51:23
Nothing wrong with being a geek. It's when you have an opinion about comic book characters and jump into the argument that you have to worry. And I don't know about you, but me? Fooled by a holodeck.
Amblus - 2004-07-27 21:12:00
I would also be fooled by the Holodeck, especially if it contained, oh, I don't know, Jude Law? Coulda fooled me! Fran: I don't remember? I think it was when he left in a huff for the 2nd or 3rd time? I haven't read it for a year or so. PS. Great geek story: I once heard about a couple of Trekkies who went to a Renaissance Festival in full costume so they could pretend they'd been beamed down into the middle ages. Wow, right?
Lela - 2004-07-28 14:26:03
I am so glad you've spread Janet to the masses. Hometown represent!

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