
Emiloo - 2004-03-25 15:23:15
Hee. I actually really like, um, Latricia Pornwell (one of her series). I figured she might be a bit of a bitch. What amuses me is how she'll be interviewed on the national news about random murders, like SHE'S AN ACTUAL MEDICAL EXAMINER OR FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST
Emiloo - 2004-03-25 15:24:10
Oops, in my fit of rage, I sent that comment too quickly. Anyway, I actually saw an interview with her about Princess Diana's death AND the DC sniper. What?
Claudia - 2004-03-25 16:02:08
When someone compliments me on my clothes/outfit/etc. I usually, because apparently I have low self esteem, immediately interpret the remark to mean I usually look like shit and, for once, I've managed to put the right things together and not look like a frumpy comic store employee.
luxolive - 2004-03-25 16:36:23
Ha ha. Ha. Oh man. Why would HER phone number be unlisted, then? Are they such good friends that they share a phone line? Or a name? Wank nugget. Also, I think you should take photos of your shoes in your garden, and leave a whole pile of them scattered around your co-worker's desk, and cross your eyes when speaking to her. Or not.
Beagle - 2004-03-25 18:01:26
OH man...I have someone at my law office who hasn't changed her hairstyle since 1983 and comments when people's shoes don't match their outfits - WHAT!? The hell!!! The other day she complimented me on my suit. I went into complete panic mode and haven't worn it since.
mayapple - 2004-03-25 23:20:59
I much prefer it when the unfashionable seem absolutely baffeled by my fashion/decorating choices. The first time our crazy doily-obsessed neighbor saw our living room she said, "Well...THIS is very...New York." Which is hilarious because in New York I had a futon and egg crates for a dresser. Anyway, I bet that shirt is adorable on you.
Gem-chan - 2004-03-27 05:28:34
Oooh, I was reading your entry and just nodding, nodding in agreement. One of my evil co-workers who dresses straight out of the Frumpy Librarian Catalog (denim jumpers with sunflowers sewn on them and such)always compliments my clothes. I usually feel pretty stylin' until she says, "Ooh, I love that shirt!" Then, I want to go home and burn it. We can talk about this later, over lunch in Disgruntleton, where I have a condo.
palinode - 2004-03-29 17:25:35
You should start feeding Annoying Coworker information about a serial killer running amok through Disgruntleton, so she'll feed the info to her Increasingly Doggy-Faced Mystery Writer/Adventuress friend. Then you'll get to read an article in Time or something all about the crimes of a fashionable office killer in Disgruntleton, PA, or maybe Bittersburg, OH. Cynicalia, MA?

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