Strange but not a stranger.
Thursday, Oct. 07, 2004 @ 10:27 a.m.

Hi there. To get right into it, I should let you guys know that there's been some stuff going on and I've been torn on whether I should mention it or not. I decide that to not mention it would be wrong because it's important and would seem unfair to just pretend like it's not going on. I don't want to read back through my archives in a year or two and remember what was going on but not see it reflected in my journal.

To get down to it, a family member is terminally ill and it's gotten down to the wire. The last couple of weeks have been spent waiting for the inevitable and it's been very sad and strange and has made me think about death and dying and how, shit, it applies to me and to the people I love and man, does that ever SUCK. Death has certainly been the elephant in the room, of late. It's very, very strange to think that one day you will stop being. You will not get up and brush your teeth and feed the cats and watch CNN while eating your oatmeal. You will not get to wear cute boots, or mountain bike in the woods or sleep in on a weekend. You will be somewhere else or nowhere else and, if you're like me, you think maybe what happens is that you sort get absorbed back into everything else, so it's not so much that you stop being you, but that you return to being part of everything. Ha, I think I just blew my own mind a bit.

When I recently read Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" I was able to apply a lot of the science into the spiritual and came up with something that worked for me. He mentioned that everyone shares atoms all around and that each of us is probably made of a little bit of Elvis and maybe some Mother Theresa too. I like that idea - that everything is sort of connected and the same, but because of a slight tweak in our DNA, we're all madly different too. I won't go into the whole higher power/God thing, but maybe it's all part of some great THING and when we die we just get recycled back into the cosmos. (Okay, I just went a little too far down Hippie Lane with that one, didn't I.)

Anyway, here's what I've pulled out of my oh-so-deep thoughts in the last week or so: Every day is a gift. Some days, sure, it's a crappy gift - a holiday-themed appliqu� sweater that's three sizes too big or maybe it's a copy of some crap book by Dr. Phil. But sometimes it's good - an iPod or "Keen Eddie" on DVD (hint, hint) and every so often, maybe only once or twice in your life, you get a pony. A black and white spotted pony named Cupcake with a red saddle and bridle. I don't promise to be any kind of better person for appreciating each day, but I try to pay more attention and notice the scenery. (This morning, for example, I was driving across the bridge over the James River and it was all foggy and mysterious and on the walkway the college soccer team was doing a morning run and boy, are they hot. It was nice and I sure appreciated it.) I think Alice Walker's Shug Avery summed it up nicely in "The Color Purple": "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it."


In other news, I've been reading a book called "Sixpence House" by Paul Collins. It's a book about books and about writing a book. It's hilarious and I recommend. This brings another item to the list of Things Causing a Blank Stare. The item being:

- People Without Books. How does that happen? Have you ever been in someone's house and had that sort of off feeling, like something's missing and then you realize it's books? I love books. I love having books and reading them and knowing they're there for quick reference or a long visit. If you're one of the non-book people, can you please tell me why? Because I'd rather have books than furniture.

Other things on the Blank Stare List:

- Not Liking the Beatles. The first time someone admitted to me that they didn't like the Beatles I was breathless with shock. To me, that's like saying "I don't like books." Haha, okay, sorry, it's like saying "I don't like breathing." How does one discount the BEATLES? Even if you don't like the hippie/Maharishi Beatles, surely you like the early Beatles who love love you do? Noah and I had a conversation about this a while back and decided that people who didn't like the Beatles were just wrong. End of story.

- Super-Picky and Unadventurous Eaters. Those of you who are scared to ever try anything new or different? Are missing out BIG TIME. Back away from the Olive Garden and try something new. Sushi is a wondrous thing. It's clean and fresh and if you turn your nose up at it there will just be more for me, but I will think less of you for not at least trying it before you wuss out and order the teriyaki chicken. And Indian food! I think the people who claim to not like curry have just never had good curry. Give it another try - Indian food makes such divine use of spices, I can't even tell you.

- Fear of Modern Art. No, your little brother could not paint that because if he could, he'd be in a museum too. It makes me angry that so many folks are scared of art and think you need special inside information to understand it. Here's my suggestion to the fearful: go to a modern art museum and look at some art. Really take your time and look. As you do, examine how each piece make you feel and what it makes you think of. Don't try to "figure it out" just let the abstract take over and notice what comes out of it. There, now you get it and you didn't even have to go to art school.

I know I'm totally preaching to the choir here, but these are things that just stick in my craw, so to speak.


Hey! Have you been watching the debates? If so, please read Jessi Klein's debate blog (start at the bottom and read up.) It's absolutely hilarious and very worth your time.

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