Everyone Avoids Me Like A Psyched Lone Ranger.
Monday, Jun. 23, 2003 @ 3:39 p.m.

Aaaaand, just like that, the weekend is over and I'm back in bland world. Boss Lady is back after a two week absence and damn, she is just everywhere today. I'd forgotten how hard it is to get anything done when she's around. She doesn't just stay at her desk, she's up and down and all around, with her huge lanyard of ID cards making that annoying jingle-clunk sound. God, lady, just sit the hell down. Also, PS. We've been using Outlook for four months now, so you can stop referring to email as "Lotus Notes".


Weekend Update.

My weekend was pretty good and it didn't rain! Amazing! Saturday morning we went to the Xterra Urban Assault mountain bike race and stationed ourselves at the very top of a really, really steep and muddy hill. As each poor soul struggled to the top of the hill, we cheered them on lamely. They gave us bleary looks of pain and struggled on through the mud. Hee.

Speaking of mud, there was a LOT of it at the race I competed in Sunday. It was the deep, sticky kind of mud and it's really hard to ride in. I hate mud. The ravines I was so worried about? Not a problem. The mud? Big problem. I didn't have a great race and came in third. I was happy to finish it at all, but I wish I'd placed a little better. I should also mention that the woman who won? Not a beginner by any stretch of the imagination. Sandbaggers, man. Anyway, here are some pictures:

Speed racer!
Toothy grin.
Podium shot.


No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it's dark.

Because you need more proof that I'm a dork, right? Right. Here's the thing- I am so unhip when it comes to music and it's not even an age thing. I just don't have my ear to the hip-music pulse, you know? I can't access this Internet Radio thing all the kids are on about and my car only has an AM/FM radio. This leaves me Mtv, VH1, MuchMusic and the radio. From these sources I'm expected to glean some hip? Maybe this is why I like Justin Timberlake's new album?

Example: The local rock station has been playing this song "Bandages" by Hot Hot Heat. This song makes my monkey crazy in a good way. I love it. It came on today when I was driving to lunch and I car-danced and sang along in a show of fake-hipness. Love that song.

The band? I have no idea. I'm sure they're some kind of underground indie band (probably from Canada) that's had a cult following for years, but now their loyal fans are all pissed off because all these radio-listening Joshuas are suddenly like "Man, I LOVE Hot Hot Heat! I love that one song!"

Right? So now all the loyal underground Hot Hot Heat fans are all pissed off because the band is on the RADIO and now EVERYONE likes them and they've TOTALLY SOLD OUT. Screw this, they're going to find a band that's so underground and indie that it hasn't even formed yet! Yeah.

Same thing with The White Stripes. I remember a friend of mine raving about them months before they hit the airwaves and only after I'd heard it on the radio did I pay attention. Oops? I'm so not good at this good music discovery thing.

I should also mention, I don't often buy CDs. I know, I suck. It's just that they're not cheap and I'm poor and never got in the habit. Also, I have about 15 minutes a day when I could conceivably listen to a CD. No playing music at work, no CD player in the car, I'm rarely home long enough to sit and listen to a whole album.

I've also got this record store (I still call it that! I'm old.) amnesia where I walk in and immediately forget every album I meant to buy. I was told months ago that I'd love the band Interpol, but I always, always forget to check them out. I'll probably hear an Interpol song on the radio and be like "Heeey, that's good! I like that!" God, I suck.

In a final display of un-hipness, the song on the radio that followed "Bandages" today was "Turning Japanese" by the Vapors. I continued my car-dancing, singing aloud ways. Knew every word. That song? Came out in 1980. Did I buy the album? Ha.


MSN's Suggested nicknames for me:

FlippantAdrien (Indeed.)
ToningAdrien (I'm pretty toned, but I'm not toning right this second.)
TepidAdrien (I'm...luke warm. Eh.)
SlovenlyAdrien (Yes!)
AccumbentFiend (Is 'accumbent' even a word? And am I a fiend about it?)
CelluloidGeoduck (Dude, what?)


Links To Make Crazy Your Monkey.

Parents' Record Collection Deemed Hilarious. (from The Onion)

Awwww, Mr. Winkle. (via Obscure Store)

This is the coolest. site. ever. It's a beautifully designed website of this guy's sketchbook and includes all kinds cool drawings. Plus, it's full of sock monkeys.

0 chatty monkeys

Keen Designs
Amblus Loves Bikes
Craft Mafia Blog


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