I Am A Pebble. I Am An Atoll.
Friday, May. 23, 2003 @ 2:49 p.m.

Aw, crap. When I got to work this morning, Boss Lady pulled me out into the hall and laid out the bad news: things are changing. Apparently Bank of X likes to shake things up (wouldn't do to let us get too comfy) and they're splitting up our team. I'm going to have a new desk (I don't know where yet) and a new boss (I don't know who yet). This SUCKS.

Oh, and never fear, Milton and I are apparently being sent to the same area, so the cycle of torture will remain unbroken. That's a relief, because I'd really miss the daily tantrums. Grah. I'm definitely calling the temp agency and asking for a raise.

Remember kids, the hell that you know is better than the hell that you don't know. I didn't realize how used to this group I'd become. It took forever before I felt comfortable here and now I'm being moved? Crap. Crap. Crap. And damn. I'm probably going to lose my view. I sit in front of this big picture window and it helps to keep me from going insane. Fantastic. I must have really pissed off the Employment Gods.

Want to know how to piss off the Employment Gods? Do the following:

Me: waaahh! I have a great, but low-paying job and the company just laid me off with severance! I think I'll take a few months off and sit on my ass.
Employment God #1.: Humph.
Me: waahhh! I'm out of money! I need a job! Any job!
Employment God #2: Heh, you got it, kid. How to you feel about plastics?
Me: Whatever! I'll take it!
Employment God #1: Snap!
Me: wahhh! I have a solid, well-paying, but extremely boring and soul-sucking job at an old-school company where I don't fit in!
E.G.#1: She's complaining again?
E.G #2: Ha. Lets give her a really excellent job at a dot.com and then snatch it away after four months!
E.G. #1: Ooh! Then, we'll let her enjoy being unemployed for a while before forcing her to become a temp!
E.G. #2: Brilliant! But first, let's torture her with a couple of dead-end job interviews!
Me: sniffle. Screw you guys.
E.G.#1: What?
Me: Nothing.
Me: You look nice today.
E.G. #2: Suck-up.


You're Just Jealous.

The long weekend awaits! Weekend plans include:

-Polishing my already clean bike while looking wistfully out at the torrential rain.

-Being some sort of stereotypical female, worthy of a horrible Sears Commercial, by going shopping. Specifically, for shoes.

-Thinking about how the closet should be cleaned out and organized, but not actually doing it.

-Drink too much, get really belligerent and stick Scotch tape to the cat� s paws, then pass out on the couch.

-Wait, not really.

-Well, except for the part about the tape and the cat.

Plus, I'll always have my old favorites:


-Watching too much television.


-Going to the gym.

This girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time.



How to win any argument. Per se.

Check out www.obsessiveconsumption.com. Man, this girl takes a picture of every single things she buys and catalogs it. Crazy and also fascinating.

Oh wow. After reading this article I actually feel really sorry for Vincent Gallo. I thought Buffalo 66 was fantastic, but I got the sense that he's a lot like the main character- very insecure and self-involved.

Have good weekends, my little monkeys!

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