It Ain't Ozzie and Harriet.
Friday, May. 16, 2003 @ 3:50 p.m.

Friday! I am a freakazoid, please be winding me up! Hi there. I'm spanning time here in my beige, beige cube, waiting for the weekend to start. Original plan- drive to the beach. New plan- hope and pray broken car is fixed by tomorrow if not tonight. Poor car.

Other weekend plans include eating too much and pressing my nose against the window while whimpering because rain means no bike ride. Stupid rain. Anyway, yes, the weekend will not be uber-exciting, but I'll also not have to be at work, which is always something worth celebrating. Not working = party time. Ole'!

PS. I just got a voice mail entirely in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish so I just deleted it. Sometimes I love being a temp.

PPS. Milton is having a major, full-blown, freak-out. He's huffing and puffing, cursing, typing angrily and throwing pens. Sometimes I hate being a temp.


Girls Love Dirt.

I'm not a tidy person. I said this to someone at the gym last night (while bitching about people not wiping down the weight machines. Wait, I�m pro-wiping down machines, even though I'm not a tidy person. See?) Anyway, I said this and the guy said "Tidy? Wow, great word. I haven't heard anyone use it for ages." Dude, what? It's not like I said "forsooth" or "23 skidoo", you know? I didn't know what the proper response to that was so I just smiled vaguely and wandered off.

I'm not, though. Tidy, I mean. I don't know if it's something that's taught or something that's genetically placed in your DNA but either way, I'm screwed. I grew up in a messy house and now I live in one. I don't particularly want to, it just works that way. I would love to say we're just messy and not dirty, but, really, sometimes it's both.

Partially it's a time thing. When I was unemployed last year I had lots of free time to apply to keeping things relatively neat, but even then it wasn't spotless. I did keep up with the junk mail, the cat hair and the dishes and laundry, which is major. Without the free time, though, It's a losing battle.

Our house was built around 1900 and it's virtually un-cleanable. I'm convinced our house produces dust for the entire neighborhood- it grows the stuff and pushes it out from the floor boards and sifts it down from the ceiling with frightening efficiency. You can sweep the floor and two hours later the tumbleweeds come tumbling on through, mocking the broom as they go. Completely pointless. The vacuum cleaner fears our house and wishes for a shiny new brick rancher with wall-to-wall carpeting. Dream on, Eureka Mighty Mite!

Also, we're stuff junkies. Both Kenny and I are packrats and we have STUFF. I think I have every letter ever sent to me. I have childhood drawings, model horses, seven years worth of diaries, and cassette tapes I haven't listened to since 1991. I have a bucket full of random bits of found metal that I hope to make into something that passes as art. I have crap I bought to sell on eBay and then realized was worthless.

Kenny, on the other hand, has bikes, bike parts, bike tubes, bike tires, bike tools, bike bits, bike pieces and bike magazines. Also, paintings, toy El Caminos and a towering stack of junk mail that he'll never go through. We have stuff, man. We even got rid of two truckloads of crap last spring when we thought we were moving. More stuff grew in it's place, seemingly overnight. Crazy how that happens.

If you're a really tidy person (not the kind of freak who irons bed sheets, but the kind who always has things picked up and cleanish) can you please tell me how? Because I look through house magazines like Architectural Digest and wonder where these people put all their stuff. Where the hell is the stuff? Is there one room they didn't photograph because it's stuffed full of junk mail, summer clothes, broken furniture and Christmas-themed tea cozies? I'll bet that's it.


Ahhhh, Link It. Link It Good.

Hee. Girls Love Dirt.

Antiquated Phrases.

Well it's about time. Chris has finally updated Not My Desk and hey, he's not dead! Good to know. His new site sounds like it's going to be great, but in the meantime, check out his archives for some hott temp action.

The Obligatory Buffy Link.

Joss on the future of Buffy. Movie version? Get cracking, Whedon.

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