Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 @ 3:50 p.m.

Man, last night was like another whole day or something. Stuff happened all over the place. Kenny and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a mountain bike ride on the trails that follow the river. It's very cool to have so many trails right in the middle of the city.

We were riding down this one twisty little trail that was basically a shelf in the middle of a very steep drop off, when Kenny said "Hold up, snake." We occasionally see small snakes, so I wasn't alarmed. But this, huh. Well. Yes indeed, it was a snake and it had stretched itself right across the trail. It was also a copperhead, as in, poisonous snake. Oops?

We stood there, surveying our situation.



"That's a copperhead."


"That sure is a copperhead."

"Yes indeedy."

"What do we do?"

"I have no idea."

"Can't go around, it's too steep."

"Nope, can't go around."

"Should we just ride over it really fast?"


"Why don't we get a really long stick and poke it?"

"Okay, poking sounds good."

When in doubt, poke it! So Kenny got a long stick and poked it really gently. It raised it's head and looked at us like "Why are you poking me, fool?" Ha. Finally, Kenny gently hooked it with the stick and sort of lowered it down the hill. Yay! He's a snake wrangler! We're so lame.


Sometimes it's a hard world for small things.

Remember how I'd mentioned the dove nest I'd been watching? It's built in the windowsill of the house next door and we have a perfect view from our studio window. Last year we watched two different litters (litters? Is that proper terminology for bird babies?) hatch and grow up.

Well, one of the current litter flew away on Saturday and the other hung out until yesterday morning, very unsure about this whole flying bullshit. The parents pretty much desert the babies once they fly, and I worry because the babies don't always fly so well and they're not really very bright.

Apparently, I was right to worry, because when we left for our ride last night, I found baby #2 lying in the alley, alive but very wounded. It looked like a cat or dog had gotten to it and was pretty close to dead. Poor wee baby. There was nothing we could do to save it, so we made a comfortable, safe place in our yard for it to rest and Kenny buried it this morning.

You know, I'm 31 and I'm still horrified and saddened by things like this. It's such a small tragedy, but I just can't be cold or indifferent about it. I disagree with the way things work. It's unfair that this tiny thing didn't even have a chance. How do people have children? I'm sad about a baby bird, for God's sake. Poor wee thing.


Some Clicks.

Oops, according to this, we probably could've just walked right by the Copperhead.

Here's another person's story (with pictures!) about baby dove watching.

Aw, kitties love hats! (link courtesy of Davebarry.com)


News of the Terrifying.

Christina Aguilera and Sean Connery are going to be starring together in a movie. It's about "an American drama student who falls in love with a fellow thespian when she moves to Scotland." Ewww. And also, ewwww. In conclusion, ewww.

That's not even as horrifying as this article about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck in talks to do a remake of Casablanca. Please, God, no.

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