When All Else Fails, Make A List.
Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 @ 3:56 p.m.

Reason #6782 why I hate my stupid temp job:

Lack of training. Of any kind. At all. I'm taught how to do something by being told to do it, without any real direction. There are approximately 1, 598 rules for each kind of loan and I'm taught about 4 of them. Thus, I either have to pepper Milton with tons of questions, or I have to assume I know what I'm doing and then suffer the consequences.

Example, I'm setting up a loan and notice that a crucial bit of information is missing. I do what Milton had previously told me to do, which is to send an email to the banker requesting this info and to also add it into the intranet system for all to see. I do this. Then I mention it to Milton, just to show my pro-activeness.

But oops, he casually asks "is this an equity creditline?"


"Oh, well, if it's a creditline we don't need that information."

"Well, why didn't you tell me this in the first place? It would've been nice to know before I went emailing everyone."

In typical Milton fashion, he walked away without answering. He cannot handle confrontation. I mean, holy fucking crap! By not training me they've decreased processing efficiency by 110% because I'm too pissed off to even care anymore and now I'm writing a journal entry. So there.


Now what? What should I write about? I've complained about work until even I'm sick of it and nothing interesting has happened otherwise. How about a list?

Guilty Pleasures

1) Watching bizarre competitive events on television. Cheerleading, baton twirling, jump rope, lumberjacking, it's all very good.

2) Plucking my eyebrows obsessively, especially when I take out my contact lenses and get reeeeeally close to the mirror. (note to Kenny: you know how it takes me, like, an hour to get ready for bed? This is why.)

3) Gross candy. I like chocolate covered gummi bears. And sour patch kids. And black jelly beans, the cheap kind. Twizzlers? Bring it on.

4) I thoroughly enjoyed both Bridget Jones books and also the movie. Vry gd.

5) Car singing. Some people sing in the shower, I sing in my car. I get busted out by other drivers all the time but I don't care. If a good cheesy pop song is on the radio, it's my duty to sing.

6) I obsessively check my Diaryland stats. Sincerely love the stats.


Guilty Displeasures (aka my unpopular opinions)

1) I'm not crazy about jazz music, unless it's the old stuff, and even then, eh.

2) I'm not that annoyed by Julia Roberts, Lara Flynn Boyle, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez or Winona Ryder.

3) I don't like Anime. Sorry, I just don't.

4) Henry James was a wanker. Classic my ass.

5) I don't get the big deal about Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I don't hate them or anything, I just don't understand the fervor (although it's super fun to watch them being made). Maybe I'm just spoiled because I've always had access to them, but given a choice, I'd rather have a chocolate cake doughnut.

6) The PT Cruiser is ugly.


Check out Bad-Candy.com. You know you want some Lik-Em-Aid.

E! Online brings you the Top Twenty Television Guilty Pleasures. Buffy is on the list? There is no shame in loving Buffy!

The Cinemarati on Guilty Pleasure Movies.


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