Smarm Attack
Monday, Feb. 03, 2003 @ 4:17 p.m.

Smarm Attack.

Lord, Smarmy McSmartypants has been training today and he's driving me crazy. He totally outshines Milton in the area of annoying behavior. I was told to have him sit with so I could teach him how to order various documents online. Ugh. The dumbass wouldn't pull up a chair, instead preferring to hover over me. While clicking a pen. Incessantly. Click. Click. Click. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Then, he tried to second-guess everything I was explaining because he's such a chucklehead-fucking-know-it-all. When I was filling in database information from the file, he read everything out loud to "help" me, I suppose.

When you're trying to read and type, and you have a fool simultaneously barking out the info, it's not just incredibly irritating, it's death-worthy. Only a fool would do it. Ha, I rest my case. I told him he was driving me crazy but he didn't seem to get why. And just in case I'm not being catty enough: he has a glamour-shots-type framed portrait on his desk of himself and his girlfriend. Ew?

When Smarm's not out taking his 687th cigarette break of the day, he's busy torturing the other new guy (poor soul) by unloading tons of misleading instructions in his smarmy, falsely-confident way. Don't forget, he Knows It All and isn't afraid to share his knowledge. It's tooth-grittingly obnoxious and there's nothing I can do.


I've been realizing more and more how glad I am that I failed that banking test. I'm so over this place. My temp status distances me from the more irritating aspects (Spirit Training, for example) and that helps to make it bearable but if I became a permanent employee, I know I'd sink quickly into the soul-crushing desperation that only a corporate-type job can create. What's saving me now is my lack of care. I just have to do my job, but it's not mine so I don't have to care about any of it. Wow, that sounds depressing, but I'm happier this way. Okay, enough job stuff.


Weekend stuff: It was a pretty good weekend, though short. I had a great lunch with Kate, did a little fun shopping, had Noah over for dinner and watched "Hands on a Hardbody", a documentary in which a group of rednecks compete for a truck. (Hi-larious! Everyone must see it! Snikuh bar!).

And finally, I went mountain biking. It was cold as hell and very muddy, but I'm glad I went. The first ride back after taking time off is always hard, but I'd forgotten how hard it actually is. I did go over three different logs piles without hesitating, so I've still got my nerve. There's a series of winter training races coming up in the next few weeks and I'd like to do a couple of them. (The winner gets cookies and hot cider. Hee.) I need to get practicing.


Currently reading: About a Boy by Nick Hornsby

Supposed to be reading to make my mother happy: The Fellowship of the Rings


"Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the side door--that way Lumbergh can't see me, heh--after that I sorta space out for an hour. Yeah, I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too, I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work."
-Peter Gibbons

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